VTLD - Voltage Transformer Two-Pole Isolated

Hauptbild - VTLD - Voltage Transformer Two-Pole Isolated


Two-pole isolated, galvanically isolated, for connection between phases

Technical Data

Secondary Rated Voltage 100V - Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Cl. 0,2 (BR 1) Cl. 0,5  (BB 1) Kl. 1 (BR 1) Cl. 1  (BR 2) Cl. 3 (BR 2) VAth
0-2,5 VA 0-5 VA 0-10 VA 0-10 VA 0-25 VA
Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no. Order no.
0,72 kV  100 8106020001 8106020020 8106020040  8106020060 8106020080 25
110 8106020002 8106020021 8106020041 8106020061 8106020081 25
200 8106020003 8106020022 8106020042 8106020062 8106020082 25
220 8106020004 8106020023 8106020043 8106020063 8106020083 25
230 8106020005 8106020024 8106020044 8106020064 8106020084 25
380 8106020006 8106020025 8106020045 8106020065 8106020085 25
400 8106020007 8106020026 8106020046 8106020066 8106020086 25
500 8106020008 8106020027 8106020047 8106020067 8106020087 25
600 8106020009 8106020028 8106020048 8106020068 8106020088 25
660 8106020010 8106020029 8106020049 8106020069 8106020089 25
1,2 kV  690 8106020011 8106020030 8106020050 8106020070 8106020090 25
750 8106020012 8106020031 8106020051 8106020071 8106020091 25
1000 8106020013 8106020032 8106020052 8106020072 8106020092 25

BR 1: Burden range 1: cos phi = 1
BR 2: Burden range 2: cos phi = 0,8


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